Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Project Evaluation.

When this project was first set I remember being intrigued by it. We had already experimented with scanning stuff in and adding it to our photographs with Stuart in our first year, and I had enjoyed that so I really looked forward to doing it again but going into more depth and being more creative with it.

The first problem we had was the fact that the only computer room we were in was K127, and that's an IT room, without the proper programs needed for this project. The Photoshop we had wouldn't allow us to use our downloaded brushes but this wasn't that bad because I just did mine from home. However, the biggest problem was that no one ever showed us how to use Illustrator. Vicky did try to get us into a better computer room but was unsuccessful because no one wanted to swap rooms with us, and I don't blame them. This all said, I was still able to take photographs of textures and scan numerous materials to use in my images.

The only other problem that I came across was trying to think of image ideas. It's a lot harder than simply taking a photograph. Once I put my mind to it, it must have taken well over a month to come up with these five images. I eventually got my inspiration from quite a few things including, a music video, a photograph, my contextual studies and my artwork. I think it took so long finding all these because I never actually looked for them, I came across them. Believe me, I did look at countless other graphic designers work but still I couldn't think of what to do and also, I didn't really want to copy another person’s style completely, I wanted to come up with my own images.

During this project I have finally learnt how to download and use brushes, I think I was a bit behind with the times there. I think this is a great thing to have been taught as it will certainly benefit me for the future and I know I will definitely continue to use this technique.

As we had a few other active projects set during the same time as Play2, I fell way behind. I think that part of the reason was because we were given such a long time to complete this project, it just makes you think you 'I have ages to get this done, I'll do it later'. We were only taught it two lessons a week. For one of those lessons we were in a classroom, the other I have already stated was not equipped. Also, for a long time, no one asked to see our Play2 work, so the deadline quickly caught up on me. Because I chose to apply for Graphic Design, I finished my final images a lot sooner than most people but I think if i hadn't have chosen that subject, I still wouldn't have finished them. I really do think I should have managed my time better, done a little bit every other day. I just don't think there was any real motivation in the beginning.

If I were to do this project again I would probably aim to do a lot more of my own drawings. I much preferred creating drawings on tracing paper, scanning them in and then adding them to my images rather than scanning random bits of material and adding it my images. The Green Tree was my least favourite image, but now it is almost certainly my favourite. I really enjoyed making it and will definitely design more images using the same techniques. I would've also liked the chance to be in a better computer room.

I have really come to like the work of Nina Chakrabarti, particularly her magazine doodles and voodoo queen pieces. I have a Mini Instax camera and also some pens that have been created especially for drawing on them. I have yet to try them out, so I think I will try and create a magazine doodle remake of my own. Another idea that I came up with when the project was coming to an end was playing on the words of 'Pardon my French'. I was wondering whether the French say Pardon my English, though I highly doubt this! Anyway, my idea was to have 'Pardon my English' translated into French and have some kind of pop-art like woman somewhere in the picture. I think this is a good idea for future productions.

This has been a very beneficial project to me as it made me want to continue learning about graphic design. I have applied for Graphic Design and have got conditional offers from my two top choices, DMU and University of Lincoln.